Tag Archives: furniture

This is some craziness…


I don’t ever remember, in my 25 years of schooling, taking off 3 days in a row for bad weather. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying every minute of snuggling and playing with the hubs and Jax. In fact, I think we are all getting a bit spoiled. Hanging out in pjs and playing until whenever we decide to get dressed, not to mention the naps…now that is something a girl could get use to.

The bummer of it all is that when the temps reach 80-85 we will be sitting in class for the snow make up days instead of playing outside.

On a different note, we have been waiting for our new furniture to be delivered since before Christmas. Knowing that is was to be delivered this week, in fact today is the day, we sold our other furniture. Let’s just say that Jason, Jax and I have been quite cozy on a futon for the past week! We are hoping and praying that the delivery truck can still deliver on the icy road conditions.

At least, I have caught up on updating our family picture website, read all the magazines that have take residence on my desk and caught up on some laundry…now that the pipes are unfrozen.

We shall see what today holds. Hopefully, furniture is delivered, our 18 week doctor visit/sonogram is not rescheduled and school goes ahead and gets cancelled for tomorrow too…here’s to hopeful wishes!