Tag Archives: husband

Something just didn’t seem right…



Marathon eating sessions, lots of gas, and momma super sore during and after nursing…even after 4 weeks.  Something was not right. Time to start searching on google. After a bit of digging, it seemed Bitty’s symptoms all pointed to a lip tie. As you can see in the picture, her upper frenulum was connected too close to the edge of her gum line and too tight. A frenulum is the flap of tissue that connects parts of the body to keep it from moving too far.

The  tightness of her frenulum make it difficult for her lips to flange out while nursing. This causes pain for me and will ultimately result in a decrease in my milk supply because she is not getting all she can effeciently….hence marathon feedings.

In the long run, an untreated lip tie can result in misalignment of teeth and speech issues.

So….this information led me and the hubs to the decision to have laser frenectomy done on Bitty. Talking with others and doing our own research we discovered that the procedure is minimally invasive. The dentist uses a laser to snip the frenulum after a local numbing agent is given. The procedure takes minutes. I will be able to nurse her immediately after the procedure to calm her and me for that matter.

I am nervous but I know that this will be beneficial for her health and well being. Appt is in 4 weeks….I will keep you posted!

Have you had any experiences with lip or tongue ties in your little one?? Please share!

Peace, love and chemical free




The hubs has been referring to me as his hippy wife lately. Why you ask? I guess because I have started making my own skin products. In my quest to become chemical free in our daily life…or as close as I can, I have researched online and asked around for some recipes that are easy and clean. The more I read and research, the more grossed out I get with all the gunk in products I use daily, on myself and my kids. The hubs is a great sport, but a slow convert. I inform but don’t pressure him into totally conversion!

My quest so far has included eliminating my household cleaning products that contain chemicals and only use all natural. My product of choice currently is Thieves household cleaner  by YoungLiving. I use it in every room for every cleaning purpose. I even use it to wash my fruits and veggies…that is how safe this product is.

As many of you already know, I have taken myself and the kiddos off all OTC meds. I use a combination of essential oils and TLC to combat whatever ailment they are encountering. Fingers crossed and prayers said, my children are and have been pretty darn healthy! I attribute that to allowing them to only drink water, occasionally a juice but they truly are not fans, and a wide variety of healthy food options.

Now to my current endeavors. This week I have made lotion from scratch and deodorant.


I love the lotion recipe I chose. I use the one I found on WellnessMama blog, which happens to be one of my new favorite blogs. She has soooooo many homemade natural recipes to tryout.

This lotion recipe –> click HERE, is super simple, smells delicious and works great. I plan on making different variations and trying them out.


As far as the deodorant recipe goes, I just made it today and am trying it out. I will keep you posted. My cousin and his wife swear by it and heck,  I am will to try it.

This particular deodorant recipe –> click HERE, was found on the CrunchyBetty blog, which just happens to be another awesome blog with natural homemade recipes.


Time will tell and I will definitely fill you all in. Next on my list is homemade laundry detergent.

I can’t wait to hear your questions and/or comments. Please don’t hesitate!!!


The dreaded stomach bug…what my family does instead of OTC meds.


It hits like a ton of bricks…out of no where!  Running to the bathroom, skin sweaty, pulse racing…. the dreaded stomach bug. In the past 24 hours, myself (at 6 months pregnant), the hubs and our 5 year old Monkey have all been hit!

At first sign I immediately began diffusing Thieves in my cool water diffuser. One of the benefits of Thieves, amongst literally hundreds, is its cleansing antiseptic abilities.



Thieves is not only diffused, but also is applied topically to the bottoms of the feet. This is a sure fire way to enter the body at rapid speed.

Another weapon in my oily medicine bag is peppermint.


Peppermint is known for its soothing ability for abdominal discomfort associated with bugs, travel sickness, or over indulgence at dinner. Simply massage a couple of drops on the abdomen periodically until feeling subsides. When applying to my kiddos, I dilute with some drops of a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil.

What I love about switching over to essential oils is that I know what I am putting on mine and my families bodies and in our system. I can pronounce the ingredients and don’t have to question sketchy side effects.


DISCLAIMER: I am just a normal girl and not a doctor. I just share what works for me and my family. Please look under the YOUNG LIVING ROCKS tab for order information.




Allergies are the devil…but we have learn to conquer them!


Prior to being introduced to Young Living Essential Oils, my family walked around like zombies in the allergy season. We were all so doped up on meds. NOW: we are conquering our allergies without the use of any over the counter medicines. Being pregnant, this works really well for me.  I would love to take you on a little journey of our daily regimen of oiling up.

5:45am – I am up! Earl Grey Tea made with a drop of lemon and a drop of Thieves to help boost immunity and protect me from all the yuk in the air

6am – showered and ready for my own concoction. I use a trio of Lemon, Peppermint and Lavender with Almond Oil ( 2 drops each) applied to chest and throat as well as  apply Joy behind my ears for an uplifting sense.

630am – KIDS are UP!!!! Chocolate Almond Milk in cups…kiddos watching cartoons and Thieves and Lemon in the diffuser.

7am – ready to get kids dressed, Almond Oil and a drop of Thieves and Lemon on the kids feet and lavender on their spines…..they are ready to conquer the day. If Buggy seems fussy, Peace and Calming is applied to her chest and Monkey gets a dab of Valor on his for courage to conquer the day, which is also great at night for dealing with monsters in closets or under beds!

We proceed through the day. When my day gets hectic, I run some Stress Away on my wrist for a calming effect. My co-workers know where it’s at and are free to use if the need arises. Working with 500 14-15 year olds, there is always a need for Stress Away!

At night, we repeat the same procedures we have in the morning. 30 minutes prior to each of our bed times, I diffuse Peace and Calming for a restful night sleep.

I am convinced….my husband is sold….and my kids LOVE the fact they do not have to taste anymore yucky medicine!  A huge shout out to Young Living and their amazing oils!

Disclaimer: I am only just a normal girl. I am not a doctor. I share what works with my family. Check out the tab “YOUNG LIVING ROCKS” for order details!

I have no one else to blame but me.


A friend was recently telling me about the ideas and premise of Tony Robbins, the motivational and life coach. Robbins explains that YOU are in charge of YOUR OWN outcome. If you are sad, you and only you have the ability to make you happy again. It is your choice…your decision… and ultimately the outcome is based on you.

This has had me really thinking lately. I have no one else to blame for my down days except me. I am in control of my actions and reactions. That is why I have started paying attention to little details in my daily life that ultimately make a big difference.

– I have always liked the idea of working out in the morning because a.) you burn more calories throughout the day and b.) life gets too hectic when everyone else in the house is up and going. Therefore, this entire week I have worked out in the morning….no excuses. The alarm goes off, I snooze for 5 more minutes and then I am up and out the door to the gym. I have felt great this week!!! It was my choice!

– Kids will be kids. After working with precious teenagers all week, often times I come home with very little patience. I have tried to maintain composure, not get overly upset at the mistakes my own babies make. I am trying to verbal discuss Monkey’s wrong choices without raising my voice (this is one I still need a bit more practice on). Just Breathe!!

– Just because the hubs doesn’t do every little romantic thing I have conjured up in my mind, doesn’t mean he isn’t showing my his love in his own way. I don’t need a dozen rose petals laid out across the bed, I don’t need a poem detailing his love (ok…maybe bad examples…those are all cheesy in my book!) I am completely thrilled when he rinses off all the dishes in the sink and leaves them to be put in the dishwasher…that is another piece of love…he knows that I am uber anal-retentive with my dishwasher space…JUST LET ME DO IT!!!!

I am in control of my emotions. I am in control of pain and pleasure. I am the sayer of what I want to do. I know that there are consequences and rewards for things I do or choose not to do. I am loving the fact that I am in this state of realization. I know that God is not going to give me anything that I can not handle. His faith in me and mine in Him has more power than anything else.

How do you get through life’s daily trials and tribulations?

The beauty of the normal


Days like today hold such a precious place in my heart. There was nothing spectacular or fancy about the days events…they were actually quite…normal. I did have the day off of work, so I was able to spend the whole day with my kids. We got up, hung out at the house for the morning then loaded up and headed to our fave chicken eatery with the indoor playground.

The older my kids get, the better they are at playing together. Monkey coaxed Bugs up the playground and then they took turns sliding down the slide. Up, down, repeat… for about an hour.


When I suggested lunch, there was no arguing or whining. They both let me put their shoes on and we ate. When it was time to leave, there was very little whining and we left.

Nap time/quiet time went perfectly. Daddy came home and took the kids to play while I had a beautiful run in the great weather. Dinner made, ate, family time, baths and bedtime.

The reason I explained this day is because it really was not anything extravagant. There was no huge surprises nor was a ton of money spent.

We all had a very normal day but at the end I feel more blessed today than I have in a long time. I do believe that I am beginning to focus on the beauty of the normal. Everyday playing out as it should. Recognizing that a normal day can be just as special as something elaborately planned out.

Not sure what I would do without him.


The more days, months, years that pass by; the more I realize how much I love him. He is my best friend.  Not sure what I would do without him.

There are so many times that I look at him and realize that I was made for him. He has taught me how to be a better me. He has taught me how to love and how to be loved. I realize that I am not perfect, but in his eyes, I am. Not sure what I would do without him.

He sees me for the wife, mother and woman I am and constantly tells me how he loves me. There are so many times when life is hectic and overbearing, but he makes it a point to show me that I am a top priority. I am not sure what I would do without him.

He has let me grow, make mistakes, forgives me and changes with me. He has become the most amazing father and I have fallen in love with him all over again. Not sure what I would do without him.

Take the time to just breathe


Life is so full…well, mine is anyhow.  I am learning how to not put too much on my plate, but I continually struggle with this.

I am a wife to a coach, we have two toddler children, full-time job, blogger, free-lance writer, friend, daughter…the list goes on.

This past week I came down with the flu and I had to learn to just be content with lying there…and trying to breathe.

My inner self was saying, YOU NEED TO GET UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR FAMILY WOMAN! and my body was saying PLEASE JUST RELAX.

When it came down to it, I sided with my body…at least for a day or two.

Life teaches us lessons everyday if you just let it. I now understand that the world will not crumble if the dishes are not done, kids are not bathed that night or dinner is take out instead of home cooked.

What does matter is that I take notice of life occurences that are happening all around. Don’t take the sunlight and its warmth for granted. Enjoy every giggle and every tear your  child makes. The kiss of your spouse is magical. A friendly hello is always welcoming. The smell of coffee (and wine) is enticing!

Life is good…it’s all about how you perceive it.


12/12/12…and #100


How fitting that today I posted my 100th post!!!! Perfect timing!!!!


This is definitely a day that will go down in history. For the past 12 years we have had a day that all 3 numbers (month/day/year) have been the same..ie. 01/01/01, 02/02/02…ok you get the drift. This will be the last day like this for the next 88 years. The next will fall on 01/01/2101….CRAZY!

I hope to make this a special day by doing something small yet memorable. Taking time to visit with my family…get the kids bundled up and ride around looking at Christmas lights in the neighborhood.  Spend some extra time with my children at bedtime…read an extra story. Put the kids to bed and spend some quality time with the hubs!

So many children being born, people getting engaged/married, events taking place that will not be forgotten.

The event doesn’t have to be extravagant…the memories you make just need to be purposeful and special.

What did you do today to make it special? Share via comments!

Thankful Thursday ~ L.O.V.E.


There is a big joke in my family. Ammie LOVES everything. My brother-in-law always teases me; if I am really excited about something, the words you will LOVE it always passes my lips. But the truth is…I DO LOVE … A LOT!

L – Laughter – The laughter in my world is amazing. My laughter, my kids, my friends and my family. I have one of those laughs that is loud and deep in my belly. It feels good to laugh so hard that tears stream down my face.  My kids and their antics are hilarious. The words that come out of my son’s mouth are classic. I REALLY should keep a journal of his new sayings! Life is meant to be loved.

O – Observation – Just being still and observing life and the love that is all around. One of my intentions nearly everyday is to just be still and observe. Life is meant to be loved.

V – Vivacious – I love being lively in spirit. It is very rarely that I get and stay in a bad mood. I am human, I get upset, but I get over it. There is only a  certain number of minutes in my life that I get to spend with my friends and family. It would not be fair to my children and my husband if I were to be in a foul mood the majority of the time. I PREFER to see the glass as half full all the time! Life is meant to be loved!

E – Espresso – hahaha….coffee, along with the other fine things in life is supposed to be enjoyed. I tried to give it up…then I asked myself WHY???? Why would I deprive myself of the riches of coffee, or wine, or delicious food smothered in butter???? I have learned the importance of quanitity….not deprivation. Life is meant to be loved.

Love what you see. Love who you are. Love those around you.


What is it about life that you truly love?

Happy Father’s Day




Happy Father’s Day to not only a wonderful husband, but an amazing father and companion. Jason Hill, if you have not had the pleasure of meeting, is the nicest, kindest, loving person that I have ever known. After Jason and I had our babies, he changed. I didn’t think that this loving man could be anymore compassionate, but he is.

What is so awesome is that we have 2 children, yet he has hundreds of other children. Yikes…you may say, but Jason has been a coach and father figure to his athletes for the past 13 years. The differences he has made in their lives is unimaginable. I had an adjustment period that I experienced when I became a coach’s wife. Long nights, early mornings, occupied mind….but to know the difference he is making and to see the values and lessons he teaches these young men, it’s truly a beautiful thing.

Many do not see or may not know what all it takes to be in a coaching life…I can’t begin to explain it. Just know that God knew what He was doing when He made Jason Hill into Coach Hill. I and my children are better off because of it.

I would love to hear the impact or difference he has made in your life.

We love you Daddy!!!


Beautiful things are all around.


Lately I have been trying my best to sit back and just observe life that is all around me. It is so easy to see the bad and negative, the hard part is seeing the beautiful things in life. There are so many beautiful things  and noticing them is what I have decided to do. Here are a few that make my heart full.

  • sun rises….at first I thought “how cliché” but they truly are beautiful. I feel that they symbolize a new start.  If the day/night before was not so good, the rise of the morning sun is a new start…a new beginning
  • my husband’s passion for life
  • my son’s excitement over the “normal” stuff we as adults take for granted
  • the look on my daughter’s face when she sees me first thing in the morning…that is unconditional true love
  • great discussion with amazing friends…and wine!
  • my mother
  • when the perfect song comes on at the right moment…a soundtrack to life
  • my sister in law’s heart. She is one of the strongest most beautiful souls I have ever met
  • savasana…my most favorite and needed pose

What are the beautiful things that surround you?

And then there was Wednesday….


So I actually had the opportunity to take the day off with my children while they were healthy…there was no fever, coughing, throwing up or drippy runny noses. It was just me and the kiddos. And I have to tell you it was absolutely perfect. I did have an almost 3 year-old pee all over the floor BUT he was SOOOO proud because he was standing up “just like daddy!” I couldn’t be mad. I just cleaned up the mess and sat him down to finish. Ladybug and I got to play on the floor and she nearly crawled. I would have been so stoked to have seen her crawl for the first time.

That’s when I realized that it more than likely will not be me that sees many of her “firsts.” Just like it wasn’t me that witnessed many of Monkey’s firsts. I AM truly blessed that MiMi is there in my absence as opposed to daycare. But my goal is to find a way to stay at home with my kids! It is my mission!

So then there was Wednesday morning…on the ride to work I was sullen, I admit it…near pouting. The hubs kept asking what was wrong. I resorted to say “nothing” because ultimately he just doesn’t understand the intense burn I have in my heart to be with my kids. So I just pray!

I am quite lucky, that until I fulfill my dream, I have a great job teaching really good kids….they just aren’t mine!

No wonder he’s all about daddy lately…


SO my hubs tells me not to worry about it….”he’s a two-year old” – “he doesn’t really mean it”…BUT my son never wants mommy when daddy is home. If he falls, he runs to daddy, even though mommy has magic kisses. In the middle of the night, when he is scared, it’s daddy’s name that he calls. It makes me sad and when he wipes my kisses off, my feelings do get hurt. I know that he really does love me and it is all a stage, but as I have been watching the Disney movies with him lately I have noticed…where are all the moms?

Finding Nemo….she died at the very beginning.

Beauty and the Beast….mom died as well

Cinderella….step mom is EVIL!


WHAT THE HECK????? My son needs movies with strong moms!!!!

What are your thoughts?

Pardon me Ferber…but screw you!


Sorry, I had to get that out. I feel much better!

The past few neverending nights, have been quite difficult for Ladybug and myself. Well, actually its been nearly six months since I had a full 8+ hours of sleep; but these past few weeks have been extra hard. She keeps waking up 2-3 times. I am sure that it is because she is teething, but when she sees me, she equates that with feeding time. I have decided that it is time to work on sleeping the full night (Monkey slept through the night at 3 months!)

That brings me to Ferber. The Ferber Method is for baby training  ie..they til they fall asleep. Let me tell you that this is the hardest thing I have EVER done.

Last night, I told myself that I would not get go to her room. This was going to be the night that she would put herself back to sleep. At 12:36 AM, the crying began:

I turned off the monitor and closed my eyes, she was going to cry for a little bit, I told myself, then fall back asleep. 12:28 AM (the longest 2 minutes), I turned on the TV to drown her out. Its amazing how well a mother can hear her child crying, nothing was masking the sounds.

Finally, at 12:44 AM, I threw back the covers, muttered to hubs that he needed to schedule HIS operation with the doctor because I was done having kids, and then I proceeded upstairs…bottle in hand. As soon as the ladybug saw me, a smile was plastered on her face.

It was then that I decided that I need to just get used to little sleep, because there is no way that I am letting my precious buggy cry like that another night.

Thankful Thursday


I asked my kiddos in class today what they are thankful for and the answers were interesting. You would think that most 10 year-olds would say money or presents, but most of them said family or the roof over their heads and some even said Mrs. Hill (my heart fluttered.) Got me thinking…what is it that I am thankful for today?

I am most thankful for…well…everything in my life right now. I have such an awesome family that helps me out more than I could ever repay them for. I have a great husband who gets me. and my kids….wow they are just freaking amazing. I watch them sleep or watch them partake in normal activities and I just want to squeeze them.  They are so beautiful and perfect. Makes me think…how do parents just walk away from their children…or hurt them, physically or emotionally. I just can’t even fathom that.

What is it that you are thankful for today?

Dare I say, what’s next?


As I finished my last test for my Masters degree on Saturday…an 8 hour one at that, I sat at the computer and exhaled very loudly. I was done! I sat back, opened a cold beer to celebrate and thought about all that I had done in the past 3 years. It was at that point that I realized, I AM TIRED! Not just tired from sitting at a computer screen, but physically and mentally tired from my activities for the past 3 years. Some one asked me….how have you balanced everything? The term “everything” is being used to include 2 pregnancies, 2 babies, being a wife of a coach,a full-time teacher with several sponsorships at the high school level, AND graduate school. With that, I bring you this blog explaining how I have attempted to make like work for the past 3 years. Disclaimer – I am not an expert on balancing life…this is just how it worked out for me.

FAITH!!! Without faith in my God and myself, there is no way I could have made it. There were so many times that I would sit at my computer and just cry, knowing that I had a paper or project due and I was completely exhausted from being up with one or both of the kids. I prayed a lot for serenity and patience…and I made it.

FAMILY!!! I am not sure I would have been able to accomplish even a fraction of what I have if it were not for my family…more specifially my mom and my husband. So many times I had classes or duties on Saturdays or in the evenings and not once did my mother hesitate taking my babies. She is a God-send and I am so blessed to have her in my life (ok…mom, I know that you are tearing up now but you have to stop so that you can read the rest!) My husband – he helped all that he could with the kids, but his schedule is so demanding that it was not always possible. The amazing ways he helped me keep my sanity was by taking me out for date nights, or surprising me with spa days, and more importantly…keeping me stocked with my favorite wine so I could unwind at the end of the day. He will never know the extent to which I love and appreciate him.

FRIENDS!!! Without the occasional girls night, or even just a rant fest on the phone, I would have gone insane. I have a great core group of girls. We may not see or talk to each other on a daily basis, but I know that they are there when I need them. All have taken a turn watching my kids or running an errand for me. We all love each other and I am complete because of them!

AND OF COURSE WINE!!! It sounds funny, but so true. There were so many nights were I would be worried or wired from endless hours of homework, job duties or just everyday events, that I NEEDED to enjoy a nice glass of wine to relax. Some of my favorite nights included putting the kids down for bed and sitting on the couch with the hubs and a glass of wine…just talking. So relaxing and romantic!

Now that my chaotic 3 years are coming to a close…culminating on Dec 17th as I cross the stage, I sit here and ponder the question “What do I do now?” I am so used to the hustle and bustle that I am afraid that I will get bored. I have decided that it is time to start back up on NormalGirlArt, write A LOT, read lots of books for fun, and maybe have another kid. 🙂 we shall see.

I definitely felt the love today.



Last Friday I found out that I passed my principal exam. I opened the email in my classroom and jumped and shouted for joy when I saw the word “PASS”. My 5th graders were super stoked for me. I guess they were more excited than I thought because I came back from lunch today to a surprise “Congrats” party in my honor. They had contacted the hubs to take me to lunch while they decorated my room.

Bought me a cake:



Gave me a massage


And even made shirts in my honor.


How sweet are they???!!!???? I definitely felt the love today.

just some thoughts…


My life is so darn good lately! I have a great family, amazing friends and things are just going right for me. I am nearly done with my Masters program (graduate in Dec.), took and passed my principal’s state exam (if you know of any schools looking for an AP, call me!!) and I am having my first article published in a magazine. I am blessed!

What I really would like to focus on now is writing. I feel it in my heart that writing is the next road in life that I need to pursue. I love to write and now that my hectic load is lightning, I can do more of it. Secretly I would like to be Carrie Bradshaw! 🙂 I would like to blog more and definitely write articles for publications. I have recently written a children’s book; however,I am in need of an illustrator.  If you are interested, please message me.

What are your passions? What do you sit around and dream of doing?


Don’t get discouraged


So the newest Hill member turns 4 months today. Where did the time go???? She is doing so awesome meeting her milestones. She loves to smile and laugh at her silly big brother. Daddy can draw an instant smile just by looking at her. And mommy….well when mommy is around sister goes straight for the girls…my girls if you know what I mean. So much so that I can not physically keep up with her demand….therefore we have introduced formula for those times when mommy is running on empty.

At first it was difficult realizing that I can not provide supplement for my little one every time she wanted it. Hence my new mantra…don’t get discouraged. I have done my very best at providing for her for the first 4 months of her life and I am ok with that. Now, there is no stress on me to fulfill her needs and she is VERY content with formula. (and now daddy gets to partake in late night feedings!) I will continue to feed as long as I can, but I now can enjoy it knowing that she will get nourishment one way or another.

So is life!

“Moo”ve over meat


Tomorrow will officially mark 3 weeks the hubs and I have been meat free. I have also given up chose not to eat, for the most part eggs and dairy. I do not scrutinize labels, but if it mostly egg or dairy, count me out. Let me tell ya, I have never felt better. I have lost 7 lbs, sleep great every night, wake up energized and I never hit that 2pm slump. To make it even better, my 3 month old daughter, whom I nurse, has not projectiled spit up since the dietary switch.

It was suggested to me to watch “Forks over Knives” ummmm….if you never want to eat an animal byproduct again…watch this documentary. I highly suggested it for everyone. I had no idea some of the side effects of meat, dairy and eggs. WOW!!!!

What is so fantastic…the food we eat now. So many choices and yummy flavors. My evening cooking is like a fun science experiment. All the new things I have tried. I am so lucky and blessed to have a husband that will try anything I cook at least once. If he doesn’t like it, he kindly requests that I do not make that again. BUT at least he tries it. I can’t wait to see my blood work next time I visit the doctor.

I would love to share my recipes or you share yours!!!! Here’s to a great lifestyle of eating good for you foods!!! now I just need to find the time to workout! That’s a topic for another day!

Catch up…again!


Life has been super busy and a super blessing. I can not apologize for not writing as much, seeing as how I am spending all my extra time with my family. At this point blogging requires me to get up before the rest of the house and let’s face it, that does not happen often. I would like to catch my readers up on what is going on in the life of a normal girl…

Work – Fifth grade is turning out to be not so bad. I have a special place in my heart for this age group. They are so torn…to act like big kids and not wanting to grow up. They try to act tough but are sent to tears so easily. I have fallen in love with one of my kiddos. I ask the hubs on a daily basis if we can adopt him. His home life is not so great, mom is facing prison time and an elderly grandma has custody of him and should not be responsible for him due to her health. I pray about it all the time. I did ask his grandma if the hubs and I can take him to TCU games and Keene games, seeing as he is a BIG sports fan. She was so excited with my offer.

School – Ladies and gentlemen…I have 2 class days left until my graduate school career is over…for now anyway. I finish on October 29th, first of two tests on Nov 12. and Graduation on Dec 17th. I can’t believe that it is nearly done!!! AMEN!

Faith – I have recently volunteered to lead a small group for my church. I am so excited. I got up early this morning to start preparing and I am stoked. I have wanted to do this for a while but my schedule has not allowed it until now. Please keep me in your prayers as I prepare for this new endeavor. I feel that the Lord has led me to this and I want to glorify Him.

Family – The hubs is doing good. This is such a busy time for him and we don’t get to see him as much as we would like during the week. Basketball season is getting closer and we all couldn’t be happier. I am pretty sure Maddox is a gym rat in the making. I took the kids to the gym for a fall league game…and to see daddy. As soon as we left the gym she started crying; when we returned she stopped. Awesome! Jax was the same way. My kids love noise…that is a great thing for a mom and coach’s wife! Maddox just turned 3 months and is so incredibly happy all the time. She is holding her head up on her own…most of the time. She is a talker and loves to smile. Jax is battling the wonderful allergy season but otherwise doing very well. He loves going to school and is learning so much. The stuff that comes out of his mouth is astounding. I love every minute of it.

I am not going to make any promises as to how much I will write. I will say that I would like to write weekly. A “thankful Thursday” piece. We shall see. I wish everyone a wonderful day, week, etc. Until next time….

If you haven’t done so, please subscribe to recieve my posts automatically. Look for the RSS button or enter your email! Thanks and much love.

Call me crazy…


I am always on the lookout for a better way of eating and fitness. Recently as many of you know I have found my niche in yoga. It truly makes me feel incredible every time I complete a practice. I find myself thinking about it, talking about it and reading about it ALL the time. (see previous posts) now I wish I could find the time to actually do it everyday.
Although I am feeling better with yoga, I am not feeling energized like I should. I am not dropping the ole LBS like I should…something needed to change.
Recently a friend of ours shared with us that he lost 30 lbs. and feels the best he has felt in a long long time. He has changed his eating style to completely vegan. Hmmmm… That got my wheels turning. I was vegetarian for 2 years in the past and that was great. Still not sure why I ever went back. Anyway… I like dairy but I’m not married to it. I could totally give up eggs. So call me crazy if you want but momma is going vegan.
I know this transformation may take a while as I learn what is and is not acceptable but I am so excited about all the amazing recipes I have found and the incredible health benefits that are headed in my direction. Check out this incredible article listing 57 reasons to become vegan. It blew my mind
I hope to share with you my journey. I hope that those in my immediate circle are accepting and understanding. This does not mean that i will stop shaving my arm pits or criticize you for your choices. This is about me. My hubs is incredibly supportive. I believe his words were ” you make it. I’ll eat it” sweet. Thanks babe!!!

So here’s to a new journey!

Any other vegans/vegetarians out there?



As it comes to a close


It is 6am, I am starting the “wake up like you are going to work” phase. I should have started this feat a week ago. I kept justifying it with….but I was up with the baby. I realized this morning -she aint gonna start sleeping through the night by next week. So here I am, baby fed, coffee made, almost awake!

This summer has been so great. I have learned several things about being a stay at home mom of two this summer.

  1. I get to interact with my kiddos on various levels. – Jax enjoys watching a trillion episodes of Backyardigans everyday and Maddox enjoys being connected to the boob all day!
  2. It has been so ridiculously hot outside…therefore we play outside from 730 to 900am…if you are my neighbor and we have woken you up…Sorry but I have to get my kid some outside time and fresh air sometime during the day before he melts from the intense heat. Jax could go outside and play in the 100+ degree weather all day, but momma can’t.
  3. Just when you are ready to get a project started or just sit down to breath….either the baby starts crying for food or diaper change OR your two-year has an upset stomach and vomits hour digested milk all over you and the floor —> BTW this event will guarantee the baby to cry and want your undivided attention.
  4. I have NO me time. How do stay at home moms find time to do anything? Everyone keeps telling me “sleep when the baby sleeps” UMMM yeah right, these people do not realize that an active toddler doesn’t sleep that much. When I finally get Jax down, I have to do laundry, sweep, mom, shower, dishes, my homework. Just as I relax and close my eyes, the baby is up and ready to eat. Ok, baby fed and down…commence relaxation time….nope, Jax is up. Oh well, I can function on very little sleep. This is when I got creative. “oh honey you want to watch Backyardagians for the 1,345,745 time today, no problem….come lay on the couch with mommy and cuddle” (and that is when I sleep for approximately 26 minutes until I am woken up with fingers in my eyes telling me that his “TD show is over”
  5. Just because I yell louder doesn’t necessarily mean that my toddler will listen…however if I pick up my flip-flop, I have his undivided attention! I promise the flip-flop has not made connection with his buns that many times but he gets it now….”it” being, mommy aint playing anymore.
  6. I can have an entire conversation with the moose and ostrich that live in my entry hall. We talk to them everyday. They are our friends, and thank goodness mommy doesn’t have to clean up after them too.
  7. I have become creative in answering the question ‘why?’
  8. Potty training should not be pushed when there is a new-born in the house. I know that my child will not attend kindergarten in diapers, therefore, we will not force the issue with “big boy” undies that he can pee right out of—> another event that will guarantee the baby to start crying and want your undivided attention
  9. When the hubs works all day and comes home to say he’s had a long day and needs to relax —> sorry bubs you have just entered Chaotic town and I am taking a vacation in the form of a shower…by myself, no 2-year-old with toys in tow….and it might just take me 20-30 minutes. Welcome home honey!!!
  10. At the end of the day when all are ready to crash, there is nothing sweeter than a 2-year-old saying his prayers…God bless mommy…and then he includes everyone else, including the Backyardignins.

I absolutely adore my children. They are my world, along with the hubs of course…his antics are a whole other blog. 🙂 The most important lesson I learned this summer is that I was not built to be a stay at home mom. I give kudos to those women who can do it! I do believe that it is the most underpaid job in the world.  I am a working mom who misses her children dearly during the day and can’t wait to rush home to see them…all the while keeping my sanity by not being a stay at home mom.

The results of the storm and housekeeping…..


On Monday I arrived at worked a bit puzzled to see that half of the school lights were out and the AC was not functioning properly. The storm the night before did not cross my mind seeing as how I slept through the ENTIRE thing. It must have been worse by the school because it blew half the power out. My day at school lasted until 10ish when the power company had to shut down the remaining power so that it would not surge and BLOW up the school….well, that may be a bit dramatic. 

With that said …..my day ended and I was free to go home and start working on my grad school work….YEAH RIGHT!!! I have a two-year old I rarely get a whole day off with so I spent it with him and my mom. We went to lunch, shopping, playground play and lounged in the pool. What an awesome way to spend a Monday!

Tuesday morning rolls around…I was secretly wishing for another day off and……I GOT IT! This time the hubs got to stay home with us too. We took the top off the jeep, packed a lunch and headed to a drive through wildlife park! How fun was that. It took Jax a bit to warm up to the fact that large animals were coming up to our vehicle and some greedy enough to put their head in in search of food. He squirmed, took a handful of food threw it and yelled….GO AWAY ANIMAL. Through tears he would tell them bye-bye as we drove to the next herd. He said he loved it. I will take his word for it. It was a great experience.  I asked my hubs to start making more money so we  I could do this on a daily basis with Jax. (I’m not holding my breath!)

So, thank you to Oncor energy for not being able to get the electric situation fixed, although, my heart and prayers go out to those who lost homes and had extensive damage due to the storm.


  • GREAT DAY today…..I sent in my application for Graduate studies graduation. I will be walking the stage in Dec of this year!!! How exciting! I have one class this summer and one class this fall and then I AM DONE!!!!!!
  • Today marks the third day of renovation to the downstairs bedroom and bath. I will soon have new sleeping quarters and Maddox will have her nursery! I was praying that this would all be completed before she arrived and I do believe it will!!! In the renovation, I have no internet so my postings may be sparse for a few days…hopefully not weeks!
  • I have completed two projects for NormalGirlArt. I will be posting pictures soon. (see lack of internet bullet above) NormalGirlArt is my attempt to channel my artistic ideas. I have started with clipboards…painting and decorating . I hope to expand to other pieces such as frames, crosses and paper weights. If you are interested in pieces, please let me know.

All in a weekend…


I absolutely LOVE spring in Texas…well, I could do without the onslaught of allergies. Other than that, days are warm, nights are cool and everything is in bloom. There is no more beautiful season in Texas than spring. With that…I had a beautiful weekend with many outdoor activities.

On Saturday, myself, my mom and a good friend of ours headed to Dallas to support a wonderful lady and her new business venture. Lola Verde had a booth at the 1st Annual Dallas Chic Fest and we had to check it out.  The products Becky creates are not only awesome but a portion of her proceeds go to help families dealing with loved ones that have cancer, a cause very near and dear to her heart. Here is her swanky booth: (I purchased the Dream which in on the far right…black with white butterflies)

After the show, I was craving (a pregnant lady can’t deny a craving, right???) a yogurt from YogurtLand…my new favorite sweet spot in FW. When in town, I try to make any excuse to head over to West 7th and score one!

After zooming home from Dallas, I dropped monkey off at Mimi’s, met the hubs at the house, dressed in a flash and headed BACK to FW for a great dinner with my cousin/bestie and her husband. We were all STARVING. After a grueling 45 min wait, our food arrived. The hubs was quite disappointed in his taco plate. I do believe the words…smallest taco ever crossed his lips.

All I could say was…at least there were 3 and not just one!

Dinner was great. Another awesome part of spring in TX is patio dining….It makes any meal better.

After dinner, we headed to a local hot spot to hang with some friends for a birthday soiree. It was so nice seeing everyone.

Although you can’t see it, I am sporting my new Dream tank from Lola Verde.

Of course Sunday was just as amazing as Saturday. Church, lunch and playtime with the family.

SO I am on the count down..4 more days until the next amazing weekend!

***What do you like to do on the weekends? Jam pack it full of activities or relax? ***