Tag Archives: recipes

There’s an omelet….in a bag


Super easy, super simple breakfast for at home or potentially anywhere you can boil water. I absolutely love this idea given to me by a dear friend. This omelet idea is super verstaile and works very well when serving a large group.

Omelet Boil in a Bag in 6 easy steps:

Step 1: Boil water in pot. More bags= larger pot.


Step 2: Gather ingredients. I used cilantro, chopped peppers, diced tomatoes and mozzerella cheese.


Step 3: Place desired ingredients in ziploc bag and seal tight, removing all air.


Step 4: Squish ingredients together to blend


Step 5: Boil bag for approximately 12 minutes. More eggs and ingredients you use, the longer the boil time needs to be.


Step 6: Dig in and enjoy!!!!

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The awesome part of this omelet experience is that is customizable. Invite some guests over, set out a variety of omelet goodie, boil some water and BAM!!!! instant breakfast meal!

Enjoy and don’t forget to share your omelet experience!!!

Zucchini Carrot Bars. Healthy and delicious


If I am in the kitchen baking, you know I must be pregnant and nesting. I LOVE to cook…the baker, I am not. HOWEVER, when I saw the recipe for these zucchini carrot bars, I had to try it. I am SO happy I did, and so is the bambino.


(click link above for recipe)

I used all organic products (where available) and for the frosting I used 4 drops of Young Living’s Lemon Oil for flavoring.

This pregnancy is so different from my others. In the beginning, I craved sweets, but recently…I can’t get enough of the healthy stuff! My body will appreciate that when it comes time to get rid of the baby weight.


Portabella pizza…yummy and VERY low cal!!!


I found a delicious recipe that I just had to try tonight. Luckily a trip to the grocery store was in the plan this evening so I was able to grab all that I needed:
– portabella mushroom caps (stem removed, and washed)
– raw spinach leaves
– spaghetti sauce
– shredded cheese (I used mozzarella)
-Italian seasonings
-ground black pepper

I arranged the ingredients in order, as listed above, on a foil lined cookie sheet.



Place in a 400 degrees preheated oven and bake for 10-12 minutes. Because mushrooms hold water, be aware that when cooked they will release the water. I just take them off cookie sheet as soon as I take them out of oven.




MyFitnessPal food diary calculated this to be between 65-100 calories per cap depending on the size!

Please share any variations you do!

Juicing is so good for so many reasons!!!!



I recently told you that my hubs and I were going to start juicing…veggies and fruits, that is. We have been doing it for almost two weeks and I have to say….I really LOVE it.

We decided….after watching a late night infomercial, to go with the Nutribullet. It is so incredibly easy and versatile. Clean up is a breeze and the choices are limitless.

I even have my kids drinking juices now.


I have had several requests for juice recipes and I will gladly share; however, I usually just make it up on the fly. I do have a couple of standbys so he you go….

Morning Drink:
Handful of kale
4 baby carrots
1 naval orange, peeled
1 tbsp of raw shelled hemp seeds
Water and ice

Frog juice (my kids’ fave):
Handful of spinach
Cored apple
Peeled orange
Water and ice

The benefits from juicing are incredible.
-lower cholesterol
-reverse aging process
-healthier hair and skin
-helps digestion process
-increased energy
-weight loss
-and much more

As I am starting my Advocare 24 Day Challenge, I find it very easy to stay full on healthy choices while juicing.

I would LOVE to hear your own favorite concoctions. Please comment and share!!!!

You don’t have to break the scale to enjoy…


It’s holiday season…which means an endless season of eating. If done in moderation, and making good choices most of the time, the season can be celebrated without breaking the scale.

Here are some pointers that I have found works well.

First – don’t deprive yourself of the treats offered – WIth that said, don’t have one of everything either. Look for moderation. Eat small portions of your food and taste samples of the dessert. I have found that if I deprive myself of goodies, then I end up bingeing because I can’t resist the temptation any longer.

Second – Don’t forget the H2O – Stay hydrated throughout the holiday season. Egg nog, hot totties and other adult beverages not only dehydrate you, but they are also empty calories, which can add up rather quickly. After every drink and before every meal, drink a large glass of water. You will stay hydrated and reduce the amount of calories you may consume at a meal.

Third – Make wise choices  – Many of us can’t wait for the holiday season because it is the only time of the year that Aunt Edna makes her world famous green bean casserole, or Grandma spends all day in the kitchen baking her delicious pies…that doesn’t mean that you have to partake in everything. Choose your selections wisely. Instead of piling your plate up the first round, break up holiday feasts into smaller meals. That way you enjoy the meal all day long.

Fourth – get up and move – Who says you have to veg out on the couch and watch football on TV all day during the holidays? Get your family and friends and start-up your own game of touch football outside. If it’s a snowy holiday season, go sledding. Find ways to burn off those excess calories.

Listed below are some links to yummy healthy choices for holiday dishes.

Baby Mint carrots

Fruit kabob with lemon lime dip 

Spinach lasagna

Lemon custards with fresh blueberries

What are ways that you enjoy the holidays without breaking the scale? Please comment below.