Tag Archives: fitness

It’s time to get ready…are you ready???


Are you ready for the summer? It is right around the corner. Shorts, tanks and bathing suits are in your future. Are you ready?

If your answer is no…I can help. Advocare’s 24 Day Challenge is affordable, effective and with my help – VERY user-friendly. I can’t wait to help!!!!

Advocare has launched a new website (click here) to help those with the challenge. It is very user-friendly. The phases ae broken down with helpful instructions and tips.

I can help you or your loved ones achieve the weight loss and energy level you desire.

Don’t wait any longer. Contact me for details:

I have no one else to blame but me.


A friend was recently telling me about the ideas and premise of Tony Robbins, the motivational and life coach. Robbins explains that YOU are in charge of YOUR OWN outcome. If you are sad, you and only you have the ability to make you happy again. It is your choice…your decision… and ultimately the outcome is based on you.

This has had me really thinking lately. I have no one else to blame for my down days except me. I am in control of my actions and reactions. That is why I have started paying attention to little details in my daily life that ultimately make a big difference.

– I have always liked the idea of working out in the morning because a.) you burn more calories throughout the day and b.) life gets too hectic when everyone else in the house is up and going. Therefore, this entire week I have worked out in the morning….no excuses. The alarm goes off, I snooze for 5 more minutes and then I am up and out the door to the gym. I have felt great this week!!! It was my choice!

– Kids will be kids. After working with precious teenagers all week, often times I come home with very little patience. I have tried to maintain composure, not get overly upset at the mistakes my own babies make. I am trying to verbal discuss Monkey’s wrong choices without raising my voice (this is one I still need a bit more practice on). Just Breathe!!

– Just because the hubs doesn’t do every little romantic thing I have conjured up in my mind, doesn’t mean he isn’t showing my his love in his own way. I don’t need a dozen rose petals laid out across the bed, I don’t need a poem detailing his love (ok…maybe bad examples…those are all cheesy in my book!) I am completely thrilled when he rinses off all the dishes in the sink and leaves them to be put in the dishwasher…that is another piece of love…he knows that I am uber anal-retentive with my dishwasher space…JUST LET ME DO IT!!!!

I am in control of my emotions. I am in control of pain and pleasure. I am the sayer of what I want to do. I know that there are consequences and rewards for things I do or choose not to do. I am loving the fact that I am in this state of realization. I know that God is not going to give me anything that I can not handle. His faith in me and mine in Him has more power than anything else.

How do you get through life’s daily trials and tribulations?

Join the next challenge!


Please pass along to anyone who may be interested!!!!

October 22nd is the day that will change your life! That is the first day

of the 24 Day “I’m going to be a brand new me by  Thanksgiving” Challenge! *

*Did you know the average Thanksgiving turkey weighs 6-8 lbs???    I say,
let’s strive to lose that and more in this challenge.

**A $50 cash prize and 2 bottles of OmegaPlex will be awarded to the person with the highest percentage of weight loss

**A $50 cash prize and 2 bottles of OmegaPlex will be awarded to the person
with the highest number of inches lost****MUST have a total of 10 participants in order to award prizes…call your
family, friends, neighbors, strangers…whom ever!!!
In case of a tie, a random drawing will award the winner.
IF the number of participants doubles….so do the awards winnings!!!!!
Contact me today! Previous challenge participants and distributors are more
than welcome to join again!If there are questions…message me…comment…or check out my webpage here..contact me!May the biggest loser win!!!!

*Orders must be placed by Friday, October 19th (recommended 2 day shipping)

In order to receive product in time to begin on Monday, October 22nd. Any
orders placed AFTER October 19th can still participate, as long as product
is OVERNIGHTED and you receive it in time for the October 22nd start date!
Email your before and after photo, starting weight and starting inches
(waist, hips, chest, neck, upper arm, thighs and shoulders) to
ammiehill@gmail.com NO LATER THAN Sunday, October 21st at midnight!
WE MUST HAVE 10 participants in order to award prizes, so invite your friends! *

Day 3…I feel like a brand new me!


So I am on day 3 of the Lean in 13 challenge and I feel like a brand new person. I am not grouchy today, my body feels great and I have lost 4 lbs and .5% body fat since I started on Monday!!!!

Those of you that want more of a challenge, I would recommend this plan to you!

Those that are wanting to lose some pounds and inches and gain energy then you need to check out the 24 Day Challenge (<— click link). email for details ammiehill@gmail.com

Lean in 13…ummm YES please!!!


What is this new program you ask? Well, it is a regimented plan to burn fat and increase lean muscle. The zig zag formula continually keeps your body guessing therefore, you burn at a better capacity. The plan is a 3 day burn/1 day refuel X4…then a “free” day (don’t get too carried away!)

I would love for you to join me on this physical, mental and spiritual battle. It will be tough…you will be hungry in the beginning….BUT the rewards…oh..the rewards will be sweet. You will need certain coaching and supplements for this program…I can help. Click on my link to check out my site and message me for details or any questions!!


Freedom never felt this good…


I knew it was coming…I just didn’t know when I would start feeling the effects. Well, the time has come and though I am not completely there, I am starting to feel the freedom.

  • FREEDOM from baby weight. After my second round of the 24 Day Challenge by Advocare, I am sitting at a healthy 124 lbs and now I am looking to put on muscle. I am actually at peace with my body…but there is always room for improvement, right??? Here is a before and after pic of my journey. I am very pleased with the results. CClick —>; 3 months time I am actually ready for bathing suit shopping!
  • FREEDOM from debt. Although we are not debt free now, we are well on our way. I feel very confident in this company. I foresee us being completely debt free (with the exception of the mortgage) this time next year! I have to see and believe it for it to happen.

I have never felt this passionate about an endeavor in my life, and the Lord knows I have tried a multitude of things. What other company can I be a part of that not only helps others, but also helps my feel good and helps me not have to worry about finances so that I can be the wife and mother I am intended to be.

Thank you to all those individuals that have helped me along the way. Not only my AdvoCare family, but those that believe in me and understand my why! TO those unbelievers, no worries…you only make me work harder. I have faith on my side and that’s all I need. Correction on second photo…should say Feb 2012!

Humbling fulfilling my promise…


SO…I promised that I would post “before” and “in the process of” pictures depicting my AdvoCare journey since the birth of my 2nd child. So, humbly I am posting them. I say “in the process of” because I am working towards my goal, but by no means am I there yet. I hope that you can see how much the products work. The first picture was taken Nov 28th and the second 40 days later on January 7th. The products that were taken in this 40 day time span were: 24 day Challenge bundle (MNS 3 and Chocolate shakes were my choices) and Catalyst. I have recently started taking Thermoplus. I have also started working out 4-6 times a week. During the entire 24 day challenge I worked out 3 times…total. I am excited to see results while working out!

I post these as a celebration to what I have accomplished BUT also as a reminder that I still have a journey ahead of me. Click on the 40 days link below!

40 days

AdvoCare Cleanse Phase Complete!


Today marks the last day of the 10 day cleanse phase in my Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I have to say that I have had a very successful 10 days. Let’s face it….10 days with no coffee or wine and all of my family members are still alive AND I managed to lose weight…I call that a success. In all seriousness, in 10 days, I have lost 4 pounds and who knows how many inches. I can actually fit into 2 of my favorite pre-pregnancy jeans. That in itself was worth it all!

I am not done though. I have the second leg of the challenge, which is the 14 day Max phase. This is the phase where I will continue to lose weight AND begin building up muscle. The cleanse was all about preparing my body for these next two weeks. Now…it is game on. I will make it a point to work out, eat right and benefit completely from this experience.

I vow to post pics of the transformation once it is all said and done. I am a bit nervous as it is quite humbling but I feel that I need to share this so that you can get the entire grasp of just how awesome these products are.

PS…Working on only 4 hours of sleep (thanks to a sweet ladybug that cried ALL night), I give great credit to Spark, the most amazing vitamin and amino acid loaded energy drink (yet without the nervous twitchy-feeling). Check out the rave reviews that it received from a caffeine junkie enthusiast. http://www.energyfiend.com/advocare-spark-energy

If you are interested in AdvoCare products, or the company itself, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Here is my site www.advocare.com/111111008

Day 1 of 24


As many of you know..the hubs and I have become AdvoCare advisors! These products are amazing! Not only to lose weight but to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We started the 24 Day Challenge today. Day 1 – no coffee, no wine!!! I thought..uh oh this is gonna be tough but it wasn’t!!! At all!!! I felt great!
I was having the hardest time with my last bit of baby weight. I had hit a plateau. I have 2 kids, one of which is an infant, when do I have time to really workout. I can get some workouts in but I needed that extra help. Enter AdvoCare! I have seen it work with others so here I am ready to banish those last lbs and inches!

You don’t have to break the scale to enjoy…


It’s holiday season…which means an endless season of eating. If done in moderation, and making good choices most of the time, the season can be celebrated without breaking the scale.

Here are some pointers that I have found works well.

First – don’t deprive yourself of the treats offered – WIth that said, don’t have one of everything either. Look for moderation. Eat small portions of your food and taste samples of the dessert. I have found that if I deprive myself of goodies, then I end up bingeing because I can’t resist the temptation any longer.

Second – Don’t forget the H2O – Stay hydrated throughout the holiday season. Egg nog, hot totties and other adult beverages not only dehydrate you, but they are also empty calories, which can add up rather quickly. After every drink and before every meal, drink a large glass of water. You will stay hydrated and reduce the amount of calories you may consume at a meal.

Third – Make wise choices  – Many of us can’t wait for the holiday season because it is the only time of the year that Aunt Edna makes her world famous green bean casserole, or Grandma spends all day in the kitchen baking her delicious pies…that doesn’t mean that you have to partake in everything. Choose your selections wisely. Instead of piling your plate up the first round, break up holiday feasts into smaller meals. That way you enjoy the meal all day long.

Fourth – get up and move – Who says you have to veg out on the couch and watch football on TV all day during the holidays? Get your family and friends and start-up your own game of touch football outside. If it’s a snowy holiday season, go sledding. Find ways to burn off those excess calories.

Listed below are some links to yummy healthy choices for holiday dishes.

Baby Mint carrots

Fruit kabob with lemon lime dip 

Spinach lasagna

Lemon custards with fresh blueberries

What are ways that you enjoy the holidays without breaking the scale? Please comment below.

Call me crazy…


I am always on the lookout for a better way of eating and fitness. Recently as many of you know I have found my niche in yoga. It truly makes me feel incredible every time I complete a practice. I find myself thinking about it, talking about it and reading about it ALL the time. (see previous posts) now I wish I could find the time to actually do it everyday.
Although I am feeling better with yoga, I am not feeling energized like I should. I am not dropping the ole LBS like I should…something needed to change.
Recently a friend of ours shared with us that he lost 30 lbs. and feels the best he has felt in a long long time. He has changed his eating style to completely vegan. Hmmmm… That got my wheels turning. I was vegetarian for 2 years in the past and that was great. Still not sure why I ever went back. Anyway… I like dairy but I’m not married to it. I could totally give up eggs. So call me crazy if you want but momma is going vegan.
I know this transformation may take a while as I learn what is and is not acceptable but I am so excited about all the amazing recipes I have found and the incredible health benefits that are headed in my direction. Check out this incredible article listing 57 reasons to become vegan. It blew my mind
I hope to share with you my journey. I hope that those in my immediate circle are accepting and understanding. This does not mean that i will stop shaving my arm pits or criticize you for your choices. This is about me. My hubs is incredibly supportive. I believe his words were ” you make it. I’ll eat it” sweet. Thanks babe!!!

So here’s to a new journey!

Any other vegans/vegetarians out there?