Tag Archives: laughter

It’s the best medicine…



Monkey thinking he is hilarious in his sister’s onesie… that’s my boy!

It should happen more often.
I need more of it in life.
I just need to make myself relax and let it happen.


Yesterday, because of a pure Freudian slip that I do not wish to expand on (let’s just say it involved roosters, the BBC and falling down in the fetal position), I experienced the biggest deep down, out loud, earth-shaking laugh. It had been a while since I have one of that caliber. The feeling right after a great laugh is amazing. I swear I felt years come off right then and there…and it has to be an ab workout, RIGHT????

I have to find more to laugh about. I get so wrapped up in daily routine that I forget to just laugh.

When and what was the last time you really laughed out loud?

I needed this!


It is nights like I had last night that make life so enjoyable! Some of my favorite women and myself enjoyed a GNO (Girls night out) at a local winery. We packed up some cheese, fruit and crackers and headed to Sangria Thursday. We could have been eating anything and drinking water(but the wine made it even better)…it was the company of these kind hearts that I love the most.


We are all in different stages of life, different styles, interests…all married, most with kids. It is what each individual brings to that table that makes it awesome. Our stories, viewpoints and humor…pretty sure we ran off three sets of people that dared sit next to ours are so different, although intertwined just so that it just works!

The evening concluded yet the memories are set…and awesome memories they are.