Tag Archives: yoga

Here’s to a better me….



Those that know me know that I am always looking for the next best thing on nutrition. I was a vegetarian for nearly 2 years and I tried the vegan thing for about 6 months (too damn difficult in our society). I enjoy being healthy and trying my best to choose the healthiest option the majority of the time. I have heard a lot about raw food nutrition and juicing; however, I had never tried it.

Until today…. One of the Yoga instructors at the studio I go to in Granbury, Vitality Yoga, told our class about Barefoot Market, a juice bar and nutrition store. I had some time to kill today so I loaded the kids up and went to check it out. YUMMY!!! I had carrot, spinach, kale, and oranges juiced together. Delicious and it truly was filling. they also have a natural food market that is stocked with awesome goodies.

Thank goodness I liked it because we had already purchased a juicer two days ago….I’m patiently awaiting its arrival.

I also am about to start reading Natalia Rose’s Raw Food Detox Diet. I will keep you all posted and share recipes as I try out different blends. Please share if you have experiences as well!

Learning how to just stop


Just learning how to stop is so difficult. Being a mom, wife-coach’s wife at that, teacher, friend and human…well that puts a lot on your plate.

At the beginning of my last yoga class, Jenna-awesome instructor- had us meditate. It consisted of breathing and being still for eternity maybe three minutes. It was so difficult for me to clear my mind and just be. I realized that this is one area of yoga I need to work on. I got up dog dammit why can’t I just be still!

My intention for the week is to just sit and be still. Work on clearing my mind and enjoy just the ability to breath.

Share what is the hardest thing for you to do daily? I can’t wait to hear!!!

just had to vent…


Is it terrible that I just do not have to same view points and thoughts that I had seriously like 2 weeks ago.  I can feel things change stirring inside me. I can’t quite put my hands on it but I know that something needs to change. There is not another worse feeling than helplessness and uncertianity. I DO know that I love my family and I want the best for us. I DO know that my God will protect me and support me in whatever I decide as long as I am glorifiying Him.

However, due to recent events, I have become really disappointed and dissatisfied with things, people, events, etc…. Without going into deep description and explanation, I am having to look within myself to change the way I view life. It is up to me. I am the leader of my life.

I recently have discovered an amazing website that has laid it out.  View it here I am making it a point to read everyday.

I just had a need to vent. I am done and now its time to yoga!


Beautiful things are all around.


Lately I have been trying my best to sit back and just observe life that is all around me. It is so easy to see the bad and negative, the hard part is seeing the beautiful things in life. There are so many beautiful things  and noticing them is what I have decided to do. Here are a few that make my heart full.

  • sun rises….at first I thought “how cliché” but they truly are beautiful. I feel that they symbolize a new start.  If the day/night before was not so good, the rise of the morning sun is a new start…a new beginning
  • my husband’s passion for life
  • my son’s excitement over the “normal” stuff we as adults take for granted
  • the look on my daughter’s face when she sees me first thing in the morning…that is unconditional true love
  • great discussion with amazing friends…and wine!
  • my mother
  • when the perfect song comes on at the right moment…a soundtrack to life
  • my sister in law’s heart. She is one of the strongest most beautiful souls I have ever met
  • savasana…my most favorite and needed pose

What are the beautiful things that surround you?

Call me crazy…


I am always on the lookout for a better way of eating and fitness. Recently as many of you know I have found my niche in yoga. It truly makes me feel incredible every time I complete a practice. I find myself thinking about it, talking about it and reading about it ALL the time. (see previous posts) now I wish I could find the time to actually do it everyday.
Although I am feeling better with yoga, I am not feeling energized like I should. I am not dropping the ole LBS like I should…something needed to change.
Recently a friend of ours shared with us that he lost 30 lbs. and feels the best he has felt in a long long time. He has changed his eating style to completely vegan. Hmmmm… That got my wheels turning. I was vegetarian for 2 years in the past and that was great. Still not sure why I ever went back. Anyway… I like dairy but I’m not married to it. I could totally give up eggs. So call me crazy if you want but momma is going vegan.
I know this transformation may take a while as I learn what is and is not acceptable but I am so excited about all the amazing recipes I have found and the incredible health benefits that are headed in my direction. Check out this incredible article listing 57 reasons to become vegan. It blew my mind
I hope to share with you my journey. I hope that those in my immediate circle are accepting and understanding. This does not mean that i will stop shaving my arm pits or criticize you for your choices. This is about me. My hubs is incredibly supportive. I believe his words were ” you make it. I’ll eat it” sweet. Thanks babe!!!

So here’s to a new journey!

Any other vegans/vegetarians out there?



I finally found it!


I have finally found my ujjayi breath. Ujjayi breathing is a breathing technique used in yoga to help encompass the body and mind while moving through asanas, or poses.

 I have been to several yoga classes and I just was not getting what I needed to get out of the hour and a half that I was there….until yesterday. I finally discovered yoga…its all in your breath. The rhythmic wave of sound that ujjayi breathing creates is not only mesmerizing but quite essential to yoga. I felt a bit out-of-place when I first tried it, but after experiencing the most incredible breather at Monday’s class(I know it sounds weird but it is truly incredible), I tried it again yesterday and man…..I have been missing out!

With my throat closed off in the back and the breath entering and exiting through my nose, I created not only a sound that resembled an ocean within me, but I also created a fire inside my body. Literally within moments I was sweating from my breathing. I have done yoga in the 85° room and sweat occurred, but nothing to this caliber.

I can’t wait to experience more. I am hooked!  ~Namaste

Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.  – Patanjali

If I am losing balance in a pose, I stretch higher and God reaches down to steady me. It works every time and not just in yoga. – T. Guillemets

Friday at last – namaste


As I finally have time to sit at my computer, I find myself asking, well….myself, “how are you supposed to become rich and famous a known blog writer if you never make time to blog?” Welcome to my world. I need to find the time….as well as the time to exercise, properly fix my hair, drink more water and well….let’s just add sleep to that list too.

Reflecting back on the past couple of weeks, I have realized that a LOT has been going on. As many of you know I have started teaching 5th grade. It is a big difference from high school and I am still trying to figure out if I like it as much. I adore the kids but the incessant questions that occur on a daily basis, well that kind of wears me down. That is when I have to take a moment to breathe and remember…they are only 10. However, if one more of those sweet little darlings asks me when I am going to have my baby, I will grab them by their ears and fling them gently tell them that it is not polite to ask those sorts of questions. This is where namaste comes in…

My awesome SIL has introduced me to yoga again. I say again because I have done yoga before, but NOTHING to this caliber. I absolutely love it. I find myself thinking about it all the time…or not thinking about anything, which is what you are supposed to do to relax and meditate. Namaste is a greeting or salutation.

With a great weekend ahead…date night, massage and time with the family (hopefully a yoga class thrown in) I wish you all loads of love and laughter


What helps you unwind and find solace during a hectic day?